December 29, 2008

Our final days!

So much to miss and not to miss...
Farewell to all the girls!

Our final transfer order!
Goodbye crazy Mr. Butterfly man.

While packing, our car got broken into. Sadly, it was full to the brim with stuff we were giving to the missionaries.

Mullet Bay visit on Kevin and Rach's last day!
One last Bubble Tea Smoothie and Abu-Gazi Shwarma

Like true tourists: A visit to the famous Maho Beach


Laura, Ella, and a Pair of Toms said...

I cant believe your car got broken into! Sadd..... :( I'm really disappointed that you guys won't be there when we get back *sniff*. HOpe you guys have a great time on your cruise ships!!!!

Mary said...

Looks like you've been having tons of fun!! What are your plans now that you're leaving?

Megs25 said...

It's almost funny that you're car got broken into. It's the perfect ending don't you think?;)