February 8, 2009


Believe it or not these are my cute little cousins! Christian's family lives close by so we went over to Fremont for a long overdue visit! The McNays invited us over for some yummy Chinese food and we had a blast seeing Audrey and Carolyn. I can't believe how fast they've grow up...I think Audrey will be taller than me next time we are in town (not hard, I know)!

1 comment:

Cassie and Doug Hansen said...

mmm chinese food!!! I know how you feel sista, everyone, their mother, and apparently their children are taller then me. When doug and i were dating in high school, hannah used to come up to me everytime I was over and measure herself against me...it didn't take her long to far surpass my height. We can start the shorter hansen generation...or at a least medium heighth one!