March 4, 2010

Surf's Up

Since I've known Christian there are only 2 things that I've seen him get really excited about--Spear Fishing and Surfing. We are now back in surfing land. Unfortunately, this also means we've (Christian by choice, myself by default) been waking up several hours earlier on vacation than we ever did while working because "the waves are calling". Since all of his gear is in Los Altos Christian told me he just needed to get a couple things so he would be all set up to surf in LA. He has been scouring craigslist and so far these "essentials" have included:

-2 surfboards (1 long & 1 short)
-wet suit
-surf racks for the car
-surf racks for the bike (this has been used once, the day he put the racks on)

When I told him it seemed like a bit much he said it's way less than I spend on Diet Coke for the year. Whatever.


Camille said...

that is awesome! did you tell him it would have been cheaper for him to drive to los altos and back?!? oh it looks so nice there! we are so excited to see you guys!

Cassie and Doug Hansen said...

Oh sounds like logic Doug would throw at me! What are we going to do with these guys? Im so happy you guys are back. I can't wait for you guys to come to the Bay! It will be so much fun! Hurry up already ;)