July 14, 2011

Meet Brady Matthew Hansen

Right after I got the monitors strapped on my belly. My Fred Flinstone feet. I really had a dreamy pregnancy except the last week my feet exploded and didn't stop growing until after he was born.

Our first family photo.Getting all cleaned up.

The grandparents: The boys with Chris & CindyMy mom & BradyOur last photo while we waited to leave the hospital!

I still can’t believe he is finally here. It was bit of a whirlwind, but we couldn’t be happier. I was scheduled to check into the hospital to start the induction process on Thursday, July 7 at 6pm. I called the hospital before we left and a very rude nurse told me they were busy and to call back at 7:30pm. Thanks to Cindy’s advice though we waited a bit and just went to the hospital anyway. Sure enough that same nurse was there to greet us and although she wasn’t happy we just “showed up”, we were able to get into our room right away.
After all the paperwork was finished I got my first round of medicine around 10:30pm. Our nurse continually came to check in on me and since I was making significant progress they decided to not administer any more medicine until the Dr. could see me in the morning. Around 6am, the pain medicine was barely working and the pain was increasing quickly so I received an epidural. Surprisingly, I could barely feel the epidural and it was much less painful than the IV.
At 8am, my Dr. came in and broke my water. When nothing changed by 10am and I was till at a 4 I was given a small amount of pitocin. That seemed to do the trick. By 11:30 I was at an 8 and by 11:45 I was at a 9 ½. Our nurse, Anselma, was amazing. She was Italian and started her career delivering babies in Italy. That made me feel a little better since they couldn’t get a hold of my Dr. She quickly set up the room for delivery and just after noon I was at a 10 and started pushing. After about 20 minutes Dr. Hoff arrived and at 1:03pm little Brady was born. He weighed in at a healthy 8 pounds and measure 20.5 inches. It all ended with my eclectic Dr. holding up the placenta and saying “look, it’s a womb with a view”.
Christian, Cindy, Heather, and Cassie were in the delivery room which was a great. Heather took pictures (over 200) and Cindy helped me push and got me water so Christian could stay right by my side. It is still all a bit of a blur and I was completely overwhelmed with emotion and exhaustion. My mom flew in the next morning and stayed the night at the hospital with me which was so comforting and helpful.
After he was born we still couldn’t decide on a name. We were debating between Colin, Connor, and Brady. We then narrowed it down to Colin Christian or Brady Matthew. We finally decided on Brady because we thought our little Asian looking baby couldn’t have an Irish name like Colin.
It is still a little hard to believe he is actually ours. I never knew I could love someone so much that I’d never met before. I can watch him sleep for hours and every time he cries it breaks my heart. In fact, the first time I changed his diaper he started crying and I started crying tooJ Welcome to the world little Brady!

1 comment:

Don- Ash -Carter -Levi said...

Congrats!! He is adorable! Wow, so much dark hair...and he does look a little Asian! Cute delivery story, and I know exactly how you feel about loving someone so much already - We had to stay in the hospital for a few nights, and whenever I was trying to sleep and heard a baby cry I just sprung up and said where is he, where is he?? You do love them so much :) Congrats again, and have fun!! Carter is 20 months old tomorrow... it goes by VERY fast...hold on tight!