February 15, 2012

My little Valentine

I couldn't be happier to hang out with this guy all V-day while we waited for dad to get home. I think he had more going on for Valentine's Day than Christian and I. The day before V-day he went to his first Valentine's Day party which was adorable! He "fished" for prizes and brought a box for a valentine exchange. Brady gave all his friends bubbles. Then we went to a Valentine's dinner at the Hansen's and he gave away rice crispy treats! So fun!
The best picture I could get with my phone's camera ...there was lots more kids, but by the time I got my phone out they had vanished already.Brady went fishing and caught some beach toys which will be perfect for our vacations coming up!

The card says, "I love you so much I could snap, crackle, pop!
"I love you so much I could pop" (attached to bubbles) All the valentines before the kids filled up each other's boxes!

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