February 15, 2012

On the move

When I say on the move I'm referring to both of us. Everyday Brady finds something new that we need to "baby proof". At 6 months he started doing the army crawl and scooting around. Then, just 2 short weeks later, he discovered his knees and starting getting up on all fours. Then, the day he turned 7 months, working on some stuff in the kitchen while he was playing on the floor. I turned around and saw that he had pulled himself up so he was standing and holding onto a footstool. I didn't know if I should grab him before he fell or the camera...I reached for the camera and fortunately he stayed up long enough for me to snap a picture! That same exact day he was standing on the first step of our stairs. I grabbed my phone just in case he decided to try any new tricks. Sure enough, he crawled up 3 stairs (without me touching him) before I pulled him down because I didn't want him getting too much practice:) I guess I better enjoy my last few months (or days) before he starts walking!


Shannon said...

wait...did you just say Brady is SEVEN MONTHS old? That can't be...he was JUST born. So crazy! He's sure a cute little guy :)

Camille said...

uh oh!! watch out, that little guy is going to be trouble with a capital T!! can't wait to see him!! I am dying to see that little guy!