July 15, 2008

One of these does not look like the other one...

My gift to Christian for his birthday last month:

Tickets to Mystere for our trip to Vegas last weekend
Some new shirts from Urban.

Christian's gift to me for my birthday last week:

A box of my "favorite" (new to me) cereal Tootie Fruities

A box of Hot Tamales.

If it's any consolation...he did get a great deal on these snazzy gifts (as he informed me) since they were purchased at the Dollar Store. However, due to my unethusiastic response, I don't think it'll save money in the long run (i.e. my online shopping the following day and his necessity to make up for this on future birthdays)!!


nerak said...

Oh my gosh, this really cracks me up!!

Camille said...

is it bad to say i am not surprised?!?! didn't he learn anything from my dad's mistakes? he will be paying for that one till the day he dies! nice one christian :)

madeleine said...

ha ha ha ha! oh steph, we miss you guys! and can i say that we had the EXACT same experience with birthdays this past year, and greg still hears about it. that is so funny i was dying when i saw it. maybe we should plan a vacation on them to make ourselves feel better?:)

Reimstar said...

Seriously this blog is all too funny. Can I just say, as your husband's brother's wife, I understand all too well - they are all too similar in too many ways. So I'm not kidding when I say, when and if you take that girls trip with Madeleine, DON'T forget to tell ME!!! And P.S we will be in the Bay for 2 days on Aug 15th, what about you guys? Love you guys and hope to see you soon!

Cassie and Doug Hansen said...

Ok so that last comment from Reimstar was from me...I'm on my work computer and just went to my blog page but I guess it was still signed on to my friends. So just thought I'd explain. See ya!

jarv said...

No worries I did the same thing to Jeff on our birthdays when we were dating. I think I spent $50 on him and he bought me a $250 coat! He's since forgiven me for it. That's pretty funny maybe Christian was going for the thoughtful route!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.