September 20, 2008

Sunken Treasures

Testing out the legs were covered in algae after I sat on it!
We had to drive with all our windows down because the smell was so bad!
We spent hours snorkeling and searching for a plane crash just off the coast of Maho Beach. We never found the plane, but Christian found some old patio furniture at the bottom of the ocean. We thought it would be a great idea to take it back home and give it to our neighbors because we thought they didn't have patio furniture. It proved much more difficult than we anticipated... "We" (meaning Christian) somehow managed to swim and drag the incredibly heavy chair about a 100 yards back to shore. The chair was covered in algae and had the most horrendous fish stench. Not wanting all of our efforts to be in vain...we put the slimy chair in our car and took it home. Unfortunately, our friends already had furniture and it's now sitting on our doorstep. Maybe we'll go put it back where we found it!

1 comment:

Camille said...

you guys are so funny. it looks like you guys are having a blast, can't wait to talk to you guys soon. btw...has the fishing pole paid off yet? i don't think you realized what a talented man you married. finding sunken treasures, catching fresh fish for dinner, giving you your fav cereal for your b-day!! you are one lucky girl ;) LOL! xoxo